Projects Our work supports multiple dimensions of systems change for integrated people-centered services. Here are selected project snapshots. Southern Nevada System of Care and Consilience Group’s ‘No Wrong Door’ Model: Solving the Puzzle Technical Assistance for Medicaid Transformation Across California Bootheel Perinatal Network Regional Cross–sector Collaborative CalOptima Health Nonprofit Healthcare Academy Healthcare-Neighborhood Partnerships for Healthier Kids, Families & Communities Walking with Families and Communities, 2-Generations at a Time Local 2-Gen hubs for families with young children statewide Aligned county Investments for children’s mental health Aligned data and learning for highest philanthropic impact Statewide Resource Alignment for Victims of Crime Cross-domain Solutions for Cities of Opportunity Statewide opportunities for collaborative infant social-emotional development “No Wrong-Doors” to United Way-funded programs across agencies Growing NAEYC-Accredited Childcare in Underserved Areas Tennessee Neonatal Abstinence Collaborative Early Success Coalition: Healthy Babies and Strong Families Organizational alignment to reduce disparities for statewide Medicaid members Hospital-Community-Church collaboration for care pathways and resource networks