Many families with young children, particularly families living in poverty and those living in the rural areas of Tennessee, struggle to provide the care and nurturing that research indicates is absolutely critical in the early years of life. Home visitation programs...
Statewide opportunities for collaborative infant social-emotional development
The Association of Infant Mental Health in Tennessee (AIMHiTN) is a multidisciplinary nonprofit organization for all professionals who support the development of children birth to age 5 by weaving infant mental health practices and principles into their everyday...
“No Wrong-Doors” to United Way-funded programs across agencies
United Way of the Mid-South (UW) is Driving the Dream (DTD) to combat pervasive, intergenerational poverty. In Memphis, Tennessee, a city with an overall poverty rate of 26.2% and in which 43% of kids live in poverty, the United Way is committed to helping people...