Sarahbeth Winn, MPP
Sarahbeth brings over twenty years of experience as a systems designer and planner with the majority of her career devoted to the public and nonprofit sector. She is an expert in identifying and correcting system vulnerabilities and bridging systems across multiple agencies and organizations for child- and family-centered services.
Sarahbeth has worked extensively on projects relating to early childhood and family programming and deeply understands underlying challenges and needs, insights into best practice, and familiarity with various funding streams. Sarahbeth serves on the AIMHiTN Equity Impact Team, evaluating DEI efforts, making suggestions for ways to improve DEI work, and holding the organization accountable to its DEI ideals.
Prior to her work with Consilience Group, Sarahbeth was the Program Director for the Child Welfare Initiative (CWI) where she was responsible for coordinating and managing an effective partnership and service delivery with the local Children’s Court of Los Angeles. Previously, she worked for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the Los Angeles Mayor’s Office of Economic Development, the California Legislative Analyst’s Office and as a systems engineer for Raytheon.
She holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Washington University, and a Master of Public Policy from the University of California, Los Angeles. She is also a Greenbelt in Lean Six Sigma.