Cheryl Dickson, MD, MPH
Dr. Cheryl A. Dickson serves as a Senior Advisor with Consilience Group, with a focus on projects directly related to health equity. She also serves as the Associate Dean for Health Equity and Community Affairs at Western Michigan University School of Medicine and an Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine. An award-winning clinical educator and educational administrator, she has served in senior positions at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and the Medical College of Georgia, with professorships and clinical appointments in both urban and rural settings. She has developed numerous practice hospital sites in collaboration with managed care health plans, higher education, health departments, boards of education, faith-based organizations, and other community organizations.
Dr. Dickson’s health equity work encompasses many dimensions, ranging from statewide cultural competency continuing education for clinicians and innovative medical education, to establishing a volunteer health ministry at a large urban church. She has served as principal investigator for numerous grant-funded health equity initiatives including health-career pipeline programs for under-represented minorities and /or low SES students; clinical-community partnerships to address infant mortality, childhood obesity, asthma, developmental delays, and black infant mortality; awareness and impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES); and health disparities in the LGBTQ population. She has served on numerous regional and national committees, and currently focuses her volunteer leadership for local community organizations such as the United Way, YWCA, and a grassroots parent-led organization.
Dr. Dickson received her Doctor of Medicine and her Fellow in Adolescent Medicine from UMDNJ – New Jersey Medical School & Children’s Hospital of New Jersey. She holds a Master in Health Professions Education degree from University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) and a Master in Public Health degree from Columbia University. Dr. Dickson holds a B.A. with Honors in Human Biology from Brown University.