Technical Assistance for Medicaid Transformation Across California

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Launched in 2022, CalAIM is a five-year plan to transform California’s Medicaid managed care program, Medi-Cal, so all Californians get the care they need to live healthier lives through more coordinated, person-centered, and health services. Spearheaded by the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), CalAIM is a multifaceted initiative that maximizes Medicaid resources, with an intentional focus on addressing the needs of individuals with some of the most complex challenges including the unhoused, children with complex medical conditions, justice involved populations, individual s and older adults.
The California DHCS recognizes that organizational and system transformation is essential to deliver on the CalAIM vision and goals. New and stronger capacities across the health delivery ecosystem must be built to align Medi-Cal Managed Care Providers (MCP’s), hospital systems, federally qualified health centers, county agencies, Tribal health programs, correctional and housing institutions, and community-based organizations for person-centered solutions.
To this end, DHCS offers technical assistance at no cost to organizations through its Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) marketplace. As an approved PATH vendor, Consilience Group offers a range of service packages and tailored technical assistance to strengthen capacities to deliver person-centered, coordinated care to Medi-Cal members with complex health and social needs.
CalAIM Readiness Assessment/Olive Community Services:
This assessment helps organizations understand how ready they are to successfully participate in the Medi-cal delivery system, and strategies for increasing their readiness. We provide a systematic evaluation of an organization’s capacity to participate effectively in the program, along with expert guidance, and tailored recommendations for strengthening organizational readiness for CalAIM. Olive Community Services, Inc. is a California non-profit organization dedicated to providing programs and services to promote the health and well-being of seniors, their families and their community. We are partnering with Olive Community Services to launch a CalAIM Readiness Assessment to help the organization identify opportunities to further empower Seniors and their communities to enjoy a higher quality of life.
Social Care Impact Capacity Building Academy/CalOptima Health Nonproift Healthcare Academy:
Social care providers who are well-connected to traditionally underserved communities can be critical partners to health plans and clinical providers in delivering community services like housing, food, and behavioral supports essential for health and wellbeing. However, these organizations often have limited experience working with Medicaid-managed care plans or capacity to expand services. Our Social Care Impact Capacity Building Academy builds concrete knowledge and skills to improve the impact of health and social care practices, programs and policies for Enhanced Care Management by operationalizing for a people-centered approach. CalOptima Health, a publicly funded managed care plan serving Orange County, California, is investing heavily in building the capacity of critical community-based social care providers by offering this model to two twenty-organizations cohorts through its Nonprofit Healthcare Academy (NPHA).
Coordinated ‘No Wrong Door’ System of Care Ecosystem Design/ Tri Counties Community Action Partnership (TCCAP):
The ability to meet people ‘where they are’ and provide a holistic, person-centered Enhanced Care Management service requires concrete, on-the-ground structures and processes for coordinated care delivery across departments and agencies. Coordinated Systems of Care (CSoC) enable a person or family to access services they need, when they need them. Often referred to as “no wrong door” or “wraparound” system of care, these models break down service silos, establish infrastructure and adopt shared standards that allow individual providers to better coordinate for higher quality, higher impact services. TriCounties Community Action Partnership (TCCAP) is multi-service non-profit serving Colusa, Glenn, and Trinity Counties. The organizational vision is to identify community needs, barriers and service gaps, and seek to address them through innovation and collaboration with partner organizations. To this end, TCCAP is launching a multi-agency design process for a System of Care as well as key infrastructure including a county-wide shared referral form and online community information platform.
If you are interested in learning more about how we can provide no-cost technical assistance to your California organization to participate in CalAIM, please email Juanita Ortiz at