Cross-domain Solutions for Cities of Opportunity
“Our strategic partnership with CG is essential to our Cities of Opportunity Initiative. CG’s expertise in cross-sector system transformation and technical assistance design helps us deliver an innovative ‘city-centered, context-specific’ approach that has truly accelerated the complex work of our CoO city teams.”
—Director, Health & Wellness, Institute for Youth, Education and Families, National League of Cities

In 2018, the National League of Cities (NLC) partnered with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to launch Cities of Opportunity (CoO), an agenda for action that builds capacity of city leaders to establish “Cultures of Health” by holistically improving the economic, environmental, and social conditions through policy and systems to promote opportunities for health and well-being of all their residents.
As NLC’s strategic CoO partner, Consilience Group continuously provides an array of program consulting, development and city-specific technical assistance services as the program evolves from pilot to roll-out. This includes design and facilitation of participatory work sessions, tools and coaching to city and partner leadership teams across the county. These services support cross-sector work for holistic community and economic development, housing, education and workforce development, early childhood development, youth development and family support opportunities.
Results from the 12-city pilot include increased inter-and intra-agency collaboration and service integration; stronger policies for economic and workforce development; increased city and partner capacity for authentic community engagement; increased city-county-private sector institution partnerships for comprehensive planning and development; and increased capacity for shared agency data to guide collaborative policy, funding and program improvements.